Forthcoming. John N. Robinson III (with Josh Pacewicz). “Pocketbook Policing: How Race Shapes Reliance on Fines and Fees in Suburban Chicago,” in Socio-Economic Review.

2021. John N. Robinson III. “Surviving Capitalism: Affordability as Racial Wage in Contemporary Housing Markets,” in Social Problems 68(2):321-339.

2020. John N. Robinson III. “Making Markets at the Margins: The Racial Politics of Credit Expansion,” in American Journal of Sociology 125(4):974-1029.

2020. John N. Robinson III. “Capitalizing on Community: Affordable Housing Markets in the Age of Participation,” in Politics & Society 48(2):171-198.

2019. John N. Robinson III. “Fair Housing after ‘Big Government’: How Tax Credits are Reshaping the Legal Fight against Racial Segregation,” in Housing Policy Debate 29(5):752-768.

2017. John N. Robinson III. “Negotiating the (Legal) Right to the City: Public Housing Demolition and Federal Courts in Two Postindustrial Cities,” in the Journal of Urban Affairs 39(2):277-290.

2016. John N. Robinson III. “Race, Poverty and Markets: Urban Inequality after the Neoliberal Turn,” in Sociology Compass 10(12):1090-1101.

2016. John N. Robinson III. “Welfare as Wrecking Ball: Constructing Public Responsibility in Legal Encounters Over Public Housing Reform,” in Law and Social Inquiry 41(3):670-700.

2009. John N. Robinson III. “Coloring the Blind Spot: The Urban Black Community as an Object of Racial Discourse in the Age of Obama,” in the Western Journal of Black Studies 33(3):212-223.